Life is a web of meaning, messages & symbolism which you naturally tie together into coherency. Asbolus had a special skill of being able to see the sequence of birds in the sky as divine messages. He was an omen seer, and this fate for him unfolded themes we all face in our lives. The centaurs though bring up myths surrounding tragedies, but also, archetypes of healers.

Being a seer for some, is written in the rivers of their veins. It’s possible though we can react from places where we are being vain or unable to harness the intensity of our gifts.

When we cannot work with this energy of accepting omens being a part of life’s course, sabotage can erupt as we project this primal intensity through reckless impulses or starting fights. Self-sabotage can be inevitable, but we all learn to work with objectivity through trusting the framework of our gifts and fate.

Asbolus is a fairly new asteroid originally explored by David Leskowitz, Zane Stein, Mark Andrew Holmes, Melanie Reinhart, Benjamin Admahah, etc.

The main themes of Asbolus include:

  • one’s inner knowing of arriving omens

  • the grief of being ignored in its prevention

  • how do we process the pain of inevitable bad visions

  • what perceptions must we adopt to process life’s perils from a place of spiritual peace

  • self-sabotage when we cannot process divine plans for how they unfold

  • a healer who divines from symbols

  • exploring reincarnation to cope with the crisis of life’s inevitable tragedies (source: David Leskowitz!)

  • the journey when it comes to alchemizing ashes into spiritual frameworks of healing

    It’s no doubt those who embody Asbolus are healers who can be learning to harness or internally process divination, even if it results in despair/death or most likely - drama.

    Crisis will force them to forge new mindsets that allow them to process objective and personal burden as omen seers or healers.

Life is not always rainbows and butterflies, but sometimes ash or soot. Discovering an objective acceptance in this inevitable dramas or despairs of destiny is essential for assimilating inner-peace.

How does can your quest for objective wisdom in understanding the range of life guide your spiritual ship?




Which Goddess Asteroid are you?